Doug Van Scoy and his wife Pam are 1961 graduates of Bridgeport High School. After receiving BS and MS degrees from WVU and completing a stint in the U.S. Army, Doug started his investment career in Baltimore in 1969 with Blyth Eastman Dillon. In 1974, he went to work with the investment firm of Smith Barney and stayed with them until his retirement in 2001. During that period he held various positions and ended his career in 2001 as the Deputy Director and Senior Executive Vice President of Smith Barney. As part of his career, Doug was on the board of Robinson Humphrey and was given the leadership award from the Georgia Securities Association in 1994.
Outside his career, Doug has served as a trustee and chairman of the Galloway School in Atlanta, a trustee of the University of Richmond and on the board of visitors of Charleston Collegiate School in Charleston, SC. He has served as a board member and chairman of the WVU Alumni Association and serves on the WVU Foundation Board.
Doug and Pam have been contributors to both the bricks program and the Field of Dreams fundraiser. They also sponsor scholarships to WVU for BHS students. He and Pam have three married daughters, three grandchildren, and reside in Charleston, SC.