Today's City Face is Judy Bonamico, business owner, property manager, hairstylist, community enthusiast and wife, mother and grandmother. Meet her here:
Hi Judy! Thanks for being this week’s Bridgeport City Face. Tell me about your history in our city. ..
My husband Mark was raised in Bridgeport. We were high school sweethearts and married in 1979, shortly after we started our family in Clarksburg. We moved into his family home in Bridgeport in 1985.
Tell us about your family …
Mark and I have four grown children and five grandchildren. If I had known having grandkids was so much fun, I would’ve had them first!
Do you have pets?
We have three grand dogs.
What do you do for a living?
I have been a hairstylist for 43 years. I still love it!
I work behind the chair and own Expressions Hair Designs and Wigs on Main Street in downtown Bridgeport. Our salon is successful because of our amazing staff of kind, caring, and hardworking stylists.
My husband and I also manage properties downtown. We are passionate about keeping our downtown alive and thriving.
What is your favorite past time?
We are blessed to have our kids and their families close by. My favorite past time is spending time with my kids and grandchildren. My heart is so full when we are all in the same place!
What are your hobbies?
I have more hobbies than time. I love cooking and currently I have been painting acrylics on canvas. I love repurposing old things and giving them new life.
What’s your favorite Bridgeport spot?
There’s no place like home!
Favorite memory of something that happened in Bridgeport
Light Up Night is absolutely magical!
What are a few of your favorite things?
Sunshine makes me happy even if it’s cold outside.
There is something about holding a new baby in my arms that gives me peace.
Sunday mornings in church prepare me to face the week.
What do you like about Bridgeport
It’s all about the people. They go above and beyond to support the small businesses, sports, and their schools.
What’s your favorite spot in WV?
The Princess Cruise Boat on Tygart Lake is one of my favorites with breathtaking views of the lake and forest.
Favorite spot outside of WV?
We love Deep Creek, Maryland. We drive to the State Park on Sundays after church and sit at the beach. It’s so beautiful and close to home.
What are your favorite restaurants?
The Wonder Bar and Oliverio’s are way up there on my list!
When we travel, we like to find the family owned restaurants too!
What’s your favorite color?
Silver and anything that glitters
What’s your favorite music/artist/genre?
I enjoy all genres and I especially like the music from my high school days because it brings back great memories of time gone by.
What is your best childhood memory?
I grew up surrounded by lots of cousins, aunts and uncles. My favorite memories were around the table surrounded by my extended family.
What’s an interesting fact about yourself?
Along with some friends, I started a nonprofit to help our community two years ago because I feel like I’m doing what God called me to do when I help others. We’ve raised so much money and don’t plan to stop any time soon!
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