Today’s Bridgeport City Face is Jeri Booher. Learn all about her and her family below.
What brought you to Bridgeport and when?
My father’s job brought us to Harrison County and my parents chose Bridgeport as a great place to raise three girls in March 1961. I feel they made an excellent decision and I followed in their steps and raised my children here also.
Tell us about your family …
I have two daughters, a son, a granddaughter and two grandsons. They all live within 6 miles of my home. Julie is an attorney for the DOJ. Janie is a flight paramedic for WVU Hospitals. Jeremy manages our family business Insight Astronomy. My grandkids are Laurianna, Dominic and Anthony. They attend Bridgeport Middle and Norwood Elementary Schools.
What about pets?
I have a Tennessee Walker named Lily. Each grandchild has a horse. One of my seven grand-dogs, Daisy, lives with me. My granddaughter has two bearded dragons. And we are in the process of acquiring two cats.
Where do you work?
I work with my family at Insight Astronomy. My main responsibility is the finances and I help plan community outreach. I am retiring April 29 from an accounting company.
What are your hobbies and pastimes?
My favorite hobby is gardening. I have several flower gardens and a small vegetable garden. My flower gardens are named after people who have given me flowers. Other hobbies are singing, swimming, hiking, and watching the night sky.
What is your favorite spot in our city?
Insight Astronomy is my favorite Bridgeport spot as family and friends gather there just to visit. Plus, I have met some very amazing adults and children who are interested in astronomy.
Why is Bridgeport a good place to live and raise a family?
Bridgeport is a family. I have heard others describe it as a tribe. I feel this is where I belong. Caring and helpful residents are ready to do whatever needs done to maintain the safety and wellbeing of our small thriving city.
What are your best memories made in our city?
My favorite memories in Bridgeport are of family events, both as a child and as I was raising my children. The city of Bridgeport would make Smith Street one way in the winter during the 60s so we could sled ride on the street safely. A fire was built in an alleyway and neighboring kids and adults would spend evenings having a great time. We also skated on Ann’s Run at the bottom of Pennsylvania Ave before we started going to the city’s skating rink. Cardboard Hill, between Pennsylvania Ave and Worthington Drive, was a thrill in the spring and summer.
What is your favorite place in the state outside of Bridgeport?
I enjoy West Virginia’s mountains, especially going to Green Bank Observatory for Central Appalachian Astronomy Club’s star party. West Virginia is almost Heaven to me.
What is your favorite place outside of West Virginia?
Greenville SC would have to be my favorite place outside of WV as my brother-in-law and nieces and their families live it that area. Family is very important to me.
What are a few of your favorite things?
One of my favorite things is turtles. Slow and steady wins the race. Sometimes you cannot get anywhere unless you stick your neck out. Turtles are a good example for life.
My favorite food is homemade chicken and noodles and a close second is turkey stuffing cooked in the bird. Mexican restaurants are my favorite.
My favorite color is PURPLE
Music: Southern Gospel is #1, Bluegrass #2.
“The Isaacs” is my favorite group.
I enjoy most music, but I cannot handle opera or chanting.
What is a treasured childhood memory?
On Christmas Eve, our family would drive around Bridgeport to see the Christmas lights. It was strange that my Mother always took longer to come out to the car than the rest of us. One year she had not come out after 30 minutes, so I asked my Dad if I needed to go check on her. He told me she was ok. Surprise! When we would return home, Santa had been there. We always received new PJs and a doll. That year I also received a doll highchair. Later years, I heard it was a bear to put together!
What else would you like to add?
I am an active member of the Bridgeport Alumni Band, Bridgeport Baptist Church, Central Appalachian Astronomy Club and Green Bank Star Quest. Someday, I would like to learn to play the banjo.
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