Thinking of starting a business, or have you had a business for one year or less? This workshop provides essential information on what an entrepreneur needs to know to start a business successfully.
Provided by the Small Business Development Center (SBDC.) and hosted at the Bridgeport Public Library.
Please use this link to register:
Training Topics will cover business financing, business plan, business start-up/preplanning, and marketing/sales.
Workshop will cover key steps to getting your business off the ground, various financing options, what banks look for when lending money, and local resources to help start/grow a small business.
There will be time for Q & A, so come with some great questions.
Light refreshments provided.
If less than 5 participants are signed up by Monday, March 27, then the workshop will have to be rescheduled. Those individuals who signed up will be notified and given the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a business coach.