Looking to sell your gently used children's clothing, toys, and gear? Join us for our Mom-2-Mom Sale...
This event is designed to offer you a safe space to be your authentic self while co-creating a sense...
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Have an event that should be posted on Connect Bridgeport? Let's get started!
Who do the nearly 1,000 people that voted in a recent poll on Connect-Bridgeport believe is the best football state ch...
Posted by Jeff Toquinto
Recognize anyone in this photo? These are the office assistants at Bridgeport Junior High from the early 1980s....
Posted by Dick Duez
For years, Laura Pysz-Laulis led the city – and then the county – in emergency preparedness and management efforts. In...
Posted by Julie Perine
Every February, we recognize Heart Month, a time to raise awareness about cardiovascular health and encourage everyone...
Posted by Tim Curry
Getting into one’s career can take many shapes. You can go to school. You can train for it. You can fall luckily into it o...
Editor's Note: This is a new blogy by Joseph Earley, a Montgomery, West Virginia, native, who served 20 years in the U...
Posted by Joe Earley
Citizen's Police Academy
Bridgeport Lions Club